Principle of operation WKD-
Principle of operation WKD- PP
Principle of operation WKD-



Ceiling cooling element for concealed installation in suspended, primarily closed metal ceilings to dissipate internal thermal loads

  • Can be used in all commercially available metal ceiling tiles
  • Quick and easy installation thanks to full-surface high-performance adhesive tape on the carrier plate, with simultaneous high performance protection
  • Comfortable room cooling that provides thermal comfort for users
  • Savings in operating costs by dissipating thermal loads via the medium water.
  • This allows supply air volume flows to be reduced to the hygienically required minimum
  • Can be combined with geothermal energy as a cost-effective and sustainable energy source
  • Simple handling. The on-site connection is usually made to a cooling water network with a water flow temperature of ≥ 16 °C

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Flexible connecting hoses type FS
  • Integration of required ceiling cut-outs possible by adapting the cooling elements
  • Combination with various control systems

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General information


WK-D-PP ceiling cooling elements are suitable for combining with all closed metal ceilings

  • Except for perforated metal ceiling tiles without acoustic fleece
  • For room heights from 2.60 m, preferably up to 4.0 m room height
  • Utilisation of the energy advantages of water as a cooling/ heating medium due to its high specific thermal capacity
  • Dissipation of specific thermal loads through radiation exchange and convection (cooling case), increased comfort
  • Particularly comfortable room temperature, especially when cooling, thanks to uniform temperature distribution
  • Energy savings in cooling and heat generation due to low water temperatures
  • Savings in transport energy or air transport by reducing the air volume flow to the minimum fresh air rate

Special characteristics

  • Simple, invisible integration into all commercially available metal ceilings possible
  • Tool-free installation thanks to high-performance adhesive tape
  • High performance reliability due to permanent connection to the ceiling panel
  • The chilled ceiling elements enable an ideal connection and a flat construction on site thanks to different meander and connection variants
  • Performance adjustment possible due to different meander divisions
  • Cut-outs for integration possible, for example of fixtures

Nominal sizes

  • L: 600 mm - 1800 mm (dimension of the ceiling panel)

Intermediate sizes in increments of 50 mm possible

  • B: 300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm (dimension of the ceiling panel)
  • further adjustments to ceiling panel widths are possible
  • H: Dimension to top edge of tube maximum 50 mm


Meander variant

  • G: even number of meanders
  • GP: even number of meanders, increased performance (ceiling tiles from width 500 mm)
  • UL: uneven number of meanders, left
  • UR: uneven number of meanders, right
  • UE: uneven no. of meanders, one-sided (for hinged ceiling tiles)


  • 180: Water connection 180°
  • 90: Water connection 90°

Parts and characteristics

Ceiling cooling elements made of aluminium (AlMg3)

  • Full-surface heat transfer
  • Perforated carrier plate (AlMg3) for acoustic effectiveness in combination with perforated ceiling tiles
  • Easy installation thanks to extensive adhesion

High-performance adhesive tape

  • For tool-free connection between ceiling tile and cooling
  • element
  • Guaranteed high performance reliability thanks to permanent connection

Copper tube meander (Cu)

  • D-tube design for increased performance
  • Pipe connections calibrated with support sleeves, ideal for flexible connection hoses

Material and surfaces

  • High-performance adhesive tape
  • Surface similar to RAL9005
  • Carrier plate made of aluminium (AlMg3)
  • Heat conducting rails made of aluminium (AlMg3)
  • Pipe meander made of copper (Cu)

Construction features

  • One-piece chilled ceiling element consists of large-format aluminium carrier plate
  • Copper tube meander attached as D-tube with heat conducting rails, using patented WLT® technology
  • Perforation of the carrier plate between the special profile blades
  • Carrier plate for the metal ceiling tile with special high performance adhesive tape

Standards and guidelines

  • Cooling capacity according to DIN 14240
  • Heating capacity data based on DIN EN 14037, Part 5
  • DIN EN 12449: Copper and copper alloys - Seamless round pipes for general purposes


  • Low-maintenance as construction and materials are not subject to wear

Useful additions

  • Flexible connection hoses Type FS
  • Various control combinations with air-water system control or X-AIRCONTROL possible, e.g. valves, valve actuators, dew point sensors, window contacts, etc.

Technical information

Function, Specification text, Order code

  • Function
General information:
Chilled ceilings and chilled ceiling elements (sails) absorb heat from the room air and transfer it to the transport medium, water. Chilled ceilings are usually full-surface suspended ceilings that work according to the large-scale radiation principle. Chilled ceiling sails, for example, consist of cooling panels in an open construction with gaps.

Radiant chilled ceilings:

Radiant chilled ceilings are passive cooling systems. Heat is transferred by radiation and convection, the proportions of which differ depending on the design of the chilled ceiling system (radiant chilled ceiling or convective chilled ceiling). The radiant chilled ceiling variant usually involves closed ceiling surfaces with a radiant component of up to approx. 60 %. The remainder is generated by free convection.
The WK-D-PP cooling elements can be used in the area of closed metal ceilings in all standard designs for uniform room temperature control. Heat is transferred between the surfaces with different temperatures, from the warm to the colder bodies. The room air is cooled on the metal ceiling surfaces equipped with cooling panels and flows into the occupied zone at a reduced temperature and low velocity. The WK-D-PP ceiling cooling elements are glued almost completely to the back of the ceiling panels (activated ceiling section). Depending on the size of the ceiling panels, the ceiling cooling elements are grouped into individual water circuits, which are responsible for removing the heat loads. The so-called occupancy rate is defined according to the proportion of ceiling areas equipped with ceiling cooling panels. Due to installations such as light fittings, air diffusers and the support structure of the ceiling itself, a 100% level of occupancy is not possible.
Ceiling cooling elements for simple combination with on-site metal ceiling tiles in all standard designs. The ceiling cooling elements consist of a copper pipe meander that is connected to the carrier plate using special heat conduction plates. In order to achieve the highest quality of heat conduction, this connection is made using patented WLT® technology. The carrier plate is equipped with a high-performance adhesive tape for simple and tool-free connection to the on-site ceiling tile. All-over adhesion ensures optimum heat transfer over the contact surface in the long term. The carrier plates are adapted to the intended ceiling tile dimensions. Optimised cooling performance possible by adjusting the number of meanders and meander division. The meanders are designed in different connection variants, depending on the metal ceiling tiles provided by the customer. The pipe ends of the ceiling cooling elements are bent towards the inside of the cooling element in order to realise low installation heights. Connections to each other and to the main pipework are preferably made using flexible hoses. Depending on the maximum accepted pressure losses and the ceiling structure, several ceiling cooling elements can be interconnected to form a cooling circuit.

Special characteristics

  • Simple, invisible integration into all commercially available metal ceilings possible
  • Tool-free installation thanks to high-performance adhesive tape
  • High performance reliability due to permanent connection to the ceiling panel
  • The chilled ceiling elements enable an ideal connection and a flat construction on site thanks to different meander and connection variants
  • Performance adjustment possible due to different meander divisions
  • Cut-outs for integration possible, for example of fixtures

Material and surfaces

  • High-performance adhesive tape
  • Surface similar to RAL9005
  • Carrier plate made of aluminium (AlMg3)
  • Heat conducting rails made of aluminium (AlMg3)
  • Pipe meander made of copper (Cu)


Meander variant

  • G: even number of meanders
  • GP: even number of meanders, increased performance (ceiling tiles from width 500 mm)
  • UL: uneven number of meanders, left
  • UR: uneven number of meanders, right
  • UE: uneven no. of meanders, one-sided (for hinged ceiling tiles)


  • 180: Water connection 180°
  • 90: Water connection 90°

Technical data

L: 600 mm - 1800 mm (dimension of the ceiling tile)

  • Intermediate sizes in increments of 50 mm possible
  • Width: 300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm (dimension of the ceiling panel)
  • Height: 50 mm
  • Cooling capacity DIN EN 14240 (Δt 8 K): up to 87 W/m2
  • Cooling capacity (Δt 10 K): up to 110 W/m2
  • Heating capacity (Δt 15 K): up to 118 W/m2
  • Heating capacity (Δt 30 K): up to 246 W/m2
  • Maximum operating pressure, water side: 20 bar (limited combined with flexible hoses, 6 bar)
  • Maximum operating temperature, water side: 75 °C (combined with flexible hoses, 50 °C)

| | | | |
1 2 3 4 5
1 Type
WK-D-PP Cooling ceiling panel

2 Meander variant
Even number of meanders
GP Even number of meanders, increased output (ceiling tiles from width 500 mm)
UL Uneven number of meanders, left
UR Uneven number of meanders, right
UE Uneven no. of meanders, one-sided (for hinged ceiling tiles)

3 Connection
90 90° water connection
180 180° water connection

4 Ceiling tile length [mm]
600 – 1800
Ceiling cooling panels are available in increments of 50 mm to fit
different ceiling tile lengths

5 Ceiling tile width [mm]
300, 400, 500, 600, 625

Technical data

  • Technical data


600 - 1800 mm


50 mm


300, 400, 500, 600, 625 mm

Standard cooling capacity EN 14240 (Δt 8 K)

66 to 87 W/m²

Cooling capacity (Δt 10 K)

84 to 110 W/m²

Heating capacity (Δt 15 K)

up to 118 W/m²

Heating capacity (Δt 30 K)

up to 246 W/m²

maximum operating pressure, water side

6 bar

maximum operating temperature, water side

50 °C

Cooling/heating capacities depending on Δt and the meander variant. For the heating function, surface temperatures > 35 °C should not be selected for comfort reasons. Maximum operating pressure and maximum operating temperature apply when flexible hoses are used. When using "chilled ceilings" for heating, only the radiation proportion can be considered. When sizing chilled ceiling systems, the use of standard cooling capacities (φw,c,a) in accordance with DIN EN 14240 is NOT recommended due to the comparability of the results. The specific cooling capacity should be calculated in relation to the occupiable ceiling tile area (φw,c,p), which refers to the active area of a chilled ceiling system. This is the only way to easily determine the achievable cooling capacity based on the possible ceiling occupancy rate and compare it with the cooling capacity per m2 floor area required in the design.


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